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Support Group

Meet others who get it! Find the support you are looking for by talking about your lived experience with other autistic adults and listen to their stories.

Weekly on Thursday from 5pm - 6:30pm Pacific

No events at the moment
Image by Henry & Co.

How Group Works

Picture of Butterfly
Picture of Butterfly
Picture of Butterfly

We meet weekly on Zoom for an hour and a half.


Everyone gets a turn to share whatever they wanted to discuss that week. 


The host (Chloe Estelle) gives a prompt which you can choose to answer or not and each person gets a chance to share and also respond to other’s shares.

Who Runs Group?

My name is Chloe Estelle and I am autistic. I am a founder here at OurTism. I have been part of groups before and what I found to be the most beneficial is letting the group run itself. I didn't like when it felt like a class taking a lesson. You guys get to pick what you talk about and when. You can reach out to me anytime.


Picture of Chloe Estelle- Girls in yellow dress

149 Palos Verdes Blvd., Suite B
Redondo Beach CA 90277
(310) 375-1997

OurTism logo with butterfly.
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Ourtism is a federally recognized 501(c)3 tax deductible public charity. EIN: 87-1535785.

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